Please do not print your quizzes. Instead, write down your errors and correct them.
Do one, 25 question informal tú command quiz
Do one, 15 questions irregular tú command quiz
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Mexico FAQs
Following are the frequently asked questions about our trip to Mexico this Spring:
What airline do we fly?
We will fly Mexicana Airlines in coach class. You cannot upgrade to first class. The flight will be approximately 4.5 hours long. We are currently looking at all the possibilities from Bay Area airports into either Guadalajara or Morelia to find the best possible flights.
What are the dates? How long are we away for?
We could be gone anywhere from April 25 – May 3. We usually stay for 6 nights.
Will the airline serve food and are there TVs?
Yes, we will be served a meal on the plane but no, there are not TVs. We also usually ask you to pack a meal and snacks for the time in the airport and of course we ask you not to load up on candy and junk for the plane ride.
What is the time difference?
Michoacán is 2 hours ahead of California. It is in the Central time zone.
Are there assigned seats on the plane?
Yes, the airline will assign our group a block of seats on the plane and then within that block they will assign you, specifically, a seat on the plane. I have no control over it. Usually it is done alphabetically but one year it was all whacky. There are 3 seats in a row on the plane.
Will we be able to switch seats once we are on the plane?
You must sit in your assigned seat for take off, until the seatbelt sign is turned off. After that, we will consider the possibility of switching seats.
Will we need a passport to travel? Will we be responsible for them while we are there?
Yes, you will need a passport to go to Mexico. Apply now as they can take a long time. You will be responsible for your passport in the airport (from check in at departure to customs at arrival.) After that, teachers will hold them and then lock them in a safe at camp.
What are the busses like? How long are the bus trips?
They vary. They ar e not school busses, but more like older coach busses. I rode on one air conditioned bus in three years. We will travel from the airport to camp and back in a bus (just BMS.) The bus ride from Guadalajara is 3.5 hours and from Morelia it is 1.5 hours. We will travel by bus on our excursions (with the other schools.) Those tripsvary in length from 20 minutes to 1 hour. You can always choose your seats on the bus.
How much does the trip cost?
It will probably cost close to $800 dollars for the flight and other transportation. The cost of the camp is included in tuition. We have assistance available for all families that need it. Everybody goes regardless of their ability to pay. All of the fundraising we do in the MS (Warriors tix, PNO, Spag and Bing, etc) goes towards helping families fund the trip.
Who’s Going/ Supervision
Which adults are going?
There will be three teachers on the trip but we don’t know which ones. Stay tuned. Sometimes parents join us on the trip but we don’t seek out parent chaperones as you are cared for mostly by the camp staff.
Are the teachers with us all the time?
We will be with you all the time getting to and from. You will be split into groups and assigned to a teacher to check in, go through customs, or any other times we think its necessary. We will go on all of the excursions with you. If you are broken into groups during excursions, counselors from camp will be your chaperones. We will not attend all of the workshops with you. A counselor will bring you to the workshop, stay with you and take you home. There will also be the teacher or leader of the workshop. Teachers will visit you at the workshops. Teachers are around at camp and will often eat, play, and spend free time with you, but mostly you will be under the supervision of the camp directors and counselors. We don’t even sleep in the rooms with you! Yippee! We are also, of course there for you if you are ill, sad, need help with something, etc. On this trip our emotional presence is more important than our physical presence.
Packing/ What to Bring/Electronics
What do we have to pack? When will we get a packing list?
The specifics of what you need to pack will be on the packing list, which you will get in March, but think camp. You should pack a bag that you are able to carry yourself without the use of a cart. You will have either one suitcase (that has your bedding in it) and a carry on or one suitcase, a bag with your bedding, and a carry on. that you can also use as a daypack.
What electronics are we allowed to bring?
You may bring an iPod or other personal music device. You may not bring a cell phone, gameboy (or other), computer, tv, or dvd player. There are plugs in the rooms but you are discouraged from charging expensive electronics with them. If you bring a digital camera try and bring enough batteries to last the entire time. Otherwise, disposable cameras are a good choice.
When can we use an iPod?
You may use it on the plane when important information is not being shared. You may not use it at any other time. The cam p does not allow any children to bring electronics. You bring them at your own risk. The camp doesn’t assume responsibility for them and doesn’t want them to be plugged in in the rooms.
How much money should we bring?
$50-$100. Most students from last year reported that they didn’t come close to spending their money.
Do we exchange our money here or there?
You will bring US dollars to Mexico and exchange them for Mexican pesos in Erongaricuaro.
Will we have a dress code?
It is the same as at school and we encourage you to be even more modest. We will be in a rural town most of the time. The expectations around dress are different than in the city. Also, we want you to feel safe.
Where are we going?
We are going to a camp named El Molino in the town of Erongaricuaro, in the state of Michoacan, in the country of Mexico. It is half an hour from Lake Patzcuaro and Morelia. Please refer to the map in the class.
What are the surroundings like?
Eronga is a tiny town tucked in the mountains. It is one of several small towns and cities that surround Lake Patzcuaro. The town retains it old, historic atmosphere. There is a lot of open space surrounding it.
What is the elevation?
7,130 feet (Lake Tahoe is 6225 feet. Berkeley is 0-1300 feet)
What will the weather be like?
Typically, April is the end of the dry season. It will likely be very dry and warm during the day, highs around 80. At night it can get as cold as 30 is also cold in the morning. One year however, there was one morning of heavy rain. You need to be prepared for everything!
Are there oceans or pools there for swimming?
There are no oceans, there is a lake and there may be pools, but we will not be swimming. It is not an activity that the camp offers.
How much Spanish will we be expected to speak?
As much as you are able. The opportunity will be available almost all of the time to speak Spanish with the other students, counselors, directors, workshop leaders and people in town. Most of the counselors and workshop leaders speak very little English. You will be required to interview people while you are there, so you are guaranteed to use your Spanish.
Is there any English spoken?
The camp director and one of the head counselors speak very good English. They will tell you important information in English but will not translate everythin. The vast majority of your counselors and workshop leaders will not speak English. Sometimes, you will be in a situation where you will be trying to communicate with someone who only speaks Spanish. Remember that they are people and that with body language and working together you can understand one another.
Can we drink the water?
You cannot drink the tap water. The camp has potable (drinkable) water available to drink at all times. There are coolers in the dining area to fill your personal bottles from, and pitchers in the bathrooms to brush your teeth with.
Is there a cafeteria?
Awesome cooks prepare the meals, but it’s not really a cafeteria. There is a tried and true system for mealtimes. Food is served to you buffet style by teachers and eaten family style. You are responsible for cleaning up after yourselves.
What kind of food will we eat?
There is some Mexican food and some food that will be very familiar to you. There is a lot of fresh fruit! There is a nice variety of food at each meal. There are always options for vegetarians and for people with allergies, etc. Let me know if you have eating restrictions so we can communicate those to the camp. “I don’t like applesauce” is not an eating restriction.
Can we bring food?
You will bring food to eat in the airport and on the plane. We recommend that you bring several powerbars or something that can satisfy your hunger when you are out and about during the week. You cannot keep any food in your rooms, but there is a spot in “la sala” where personal food is kept.
Can we buy food outside of camp?
The camp has pretty clear and strict rules about what they let you buy and eat outside of camp. You can only buy things with labels, no street food, even though it looks really good. Counselors often stop on the way back from workshops to let you buy snacks.
What time do we wake up and go to sleep?
We wake up early, between 7:30 and 8:00 it’s different every day) and go to bed around 10:00pm. You should practice the question: ¿A qué hora nos despertamos mañana?
Where will we sleep?
You sleep in dorm rooms that are divided by gender. The rooms sleep between 15 – 25 people. Counselors will stay with you in the dorms. Teachers stay in separate rooms.
What are the bathrooms like?
There are bathrooms attached to each dorm room. The bathrooms and showers are fine and clean. The showers are individual.
What are the sleeping arrangements?
Some years they have kept all BMS kids together (but divided by gender) and other years they were split in two and mixed with kids from the other schools. If you have to split t is a pretty informal process that you have some control over. We want you to feel safe and comfortable.
What kind of bedding should we bring?
The camp provides a mat.. You should bring a sleeping bag and a small travel pillow. A therma-rest is optional. Air mattresses that need to be blown up with a machine are not allowed.
Can we shower?
Yes, each room figures out a daily schedule for showering. Usually showering time is mid-day. You can shower daily.
Daily Schedule/What do we do there
What will we do there?
You will attend workshops in town, go on excursions to surrounding areas (an island in Lake Patzcuaro, an ancient pyramid, a national park, a volcano, a day in Morelia for shopping and soccer, a market day in Patzcuaro are all possibilities), do physical activity, have free time (where you can also play games and sports), do night time activities (like hike, campfire, salsa, etc.) You will not spend any time at all in front of a screen (television or computer.) We usually have four workshop days where you take one workshop in the morning and one in the afternoon with free time in between and two excursion days where we usually visit two places each day.
What kind of workshops will we do?
There are lots of choices. Some examples are: weaving, hiking, traditional cooking, botany, hat making, jewelry making, cheese and candy making, and animal care. There are many workshops focused on arts and ecology and they are all taught by local people who live in or near town. The workshops offered change every year. We will learn how to say the workshops in Spanish before we go.
How are we going to divide into groups for workshops?
It is a process that is impossible to explain. It happens with everyone in the same room and involves sitting in lines and people coming around with clipboards. You sign up for the workshop you want if there is room in it. You will be mixed with students from other schools for workshops.
How much free time will we have?
I can’t say how much, but there is a nice balance of free and structured time.
What is physical activity?
Physical activity in the morning is usually a structured game or competition. Throughout the day there is lots of soccer played, volleyball, four square, rope swinging. There is a sweet basketball court in town that you can also visit. Last year we had a little round robin tournament with kids from town, BMS, and counselors.
What excursions (day trips) will we go on?
Janitzio (the island in the lake), an ancient pyramid in Tzintzuntzan, a national park near Uruapan, the Paricutín volcano, a day in Morelia for architecture, shopping and soccer, a market day in Patzcuaro are all possibilities.
What are the facilities like?
They are beautiful with lots of fields, flowering trees and plants, pathways.
How much time will we have to shop?
We will have several opportunities to shop , but the amount of time varies depending on what excursions we go on. Usually we do one shopping afternoon in Patzcuaro. There is also a nice little camp store. I recommend that if you see something you like, buy it because you might not see it again.
What “work” do we have to do there?
We will be doing some ethnographic research this year. Ethnographic research is a way of understanding a culture by experiencing it first hand and talking with people. You will learn more about the specifics of your work in class. You are required to roll up your bedding each day, keep your things organized, and clean off your table after eating.
Other schools
How many other people will be at our camp?
There will be another group of about 4o students at camp at the same time from Chihuahua, Mexico (I think.) The camp schedules the groups and aims to have groups from different places there at the same time.
How old are they?
They are sixth graders, and I believe they will be 11 and 12 years old.
How much English will they speak?
There English abilities will probably vary as much as your Spanish abilities do.
Will we interact with them?
Yes, you will do everything together: eat, sleep, play, have workshops, go on some excursions.
What airline do we fly?
We will fly Mexicana Airlines in coach class. You cannot upgrade to first class. The flight will be approximately 4.5 hours long. We are currently looking at all the possibilities from Bay Area airports into either Guadalajara or Morelia to find the best possible flights.
What are the dates? How long are we away for?
We could be gone anywhere from April 25 – May 3. We usually stay for 6 nights.
Will the airline serve food and are there TVs?
Yes, we will be served a meal on the plane but no, there are not TVs. We also usually ask you to pack a meal and snacks for the time in the airport and of course we ask you not to load up on candy and junk for the plane ride.
What is the time difference?
Michoacán is 2 hours ahead of California. It is in the Central time zone.
Are there assigned seats on the plane?
Yes, the airline will assign our group a block of seats on the plane and then within that block they will assign you, specifically, a seat on the plane. I have no control over it. Usually it is done alphabetically but one year it was all whacky. There are 3 seats in a row on the plane.
Will we be able to switch seats once we are on the plane?
You must sit in your assigned seat for take off, until the seatbelt sign is turned off. After that, we will consider the possibility of switching seats.
Will we need a passport to travel? Will we be responsible for them while we are there?
Yes, you will need a passport to go to Mexico. Apply now as they can take a long time. You will be responsible for your passport in the airport (from check in at departure to customs at arrival.) After that, teachers will hold them and then lock them in a safe at camp.
What are the busses like? How long are the bus trips?
They vary. They ar e not school busses, but more like older coach busses. I rode on one air conditioned bus in three years. We will travel from the airport to camp and back in a bus (just BMS.) The bus ride from Guadalajara is 3.5 hours and from Morelia it is 1.5 hours. We will travel by bus on our excursions (with the other schools.) Those tripsvary in length from 20 minutes to 1 hour. You can always choose your seats on the bus.
How much does the trip cost?
It will probably cost close to $800 dollars for the flight and other transportation. The cost of the camp is included in tuition. We have assistance available for all families that need it. Everybody goes regardless of their ability to pay. All of the fundraising we do in the MS (Warriors tix, PNO, Spag and Bing, etc) goes towards helping families fund the trip.
Who’s Going/ Supervision
Which adults are going?
There will be three teachers on the trip but we don’t know which ones. Stay tuned. Sometimes parents join us on the trip but we don’t seek out parent chaperones as you are cared for mostly by the camp staff.
Are the teachers with us all the time?
We will be with you all the time getting to and from. You will be split into groups and assigned to a teacher to check in, go through customs, or any other times we think its necessary. We will go on all of the excursions with you. If you are broken into groups during excursions, counselors from camp will be your chaperones. We will not attend all of the workshops with you. A counselor will bring you to the workshop, stay with you and take you home. There will also be the teacher or leader of the workshop. Teachers will visit you at the workshops. Teachers are around at camp and will often eat, play, and spend free time with you, but mostly you will be under the supervision of the camp directors and counselors. We don’t even sleep in the rooms with you! Yippee! We are also, of course there for you if you are ill, sad, need help with something, etc. On this trip our emotional presence is more important than our physical presence.
Packing/ What to Bring/Electronics
What do we have to pack? When will we get a packing list?
The specifics of what you need to pack will be on the packing list, which you will get in March, but think camp. You should pack a bag that you are able to carry yourself without the use of a cart. You will have either one suitcase (that has your bedding in it) and a carry on or one suitcase, a bag with your bedding, and a carry on. that you can also use as a daypack.
What electronics are we allowed to bring?
You may bring an iPod or other personal music device. You may not bring a cell phone, gameboy (or other), computer, tv, or dvd player. There are plugs in the rooms but you are discouraged from charging expensive electronics with them. If you bring a digital camera try and bring enough batteries to last the entire time. Otherwise, disposable cameras are a good choice.
When can we use an iPod?
You may use it on the plane when important information is not being shared. You may not use it at any other time. The cam p does not allow any children to bring electronics. You bring them at your own risk. The camp doesn’t assume responsibility for them and doesn’t want them to be plugged in in the rooms.
How much money should we bring?
$50-$100. Most students from last year reported that they didn’t come close to spending their money.
Do we exchange our money here or there?
You will bring US dollars to Mexico and exchange them for Mexican pesos in Erongaricuaro.
Will we have a dress code?
It is the same as at school and we encourage you to be even more modest. We will be in a rural town most of the time. The expectations around dress are different than in the city. Also, we want you to feel safe.
Where are we going?
We are going to a camp named El Molino in the town of Erongaricuaro, in the state of Michoacan, in the country of Mexico. It is half an hour from Lake Patzcuaro and Morelia. Please refer to the map in the class.
What are the surroundings like?
Eronga is a tiny town tucked in the mountains. It is one of several small towns and cities that surround Lake Patzcuaro. The town retains it old, historic atmosphere. There is a lot of open space surrounding it.
What is the elevation?
7,130 feet (Lake Tahoe is 6225 feet. Berkeley is 0-1300 feet)
What will the weather be like?
Typically, April is the end of the dry season. It will likely be very dry and warm during the day, highs around 80. At night it can get as cold as 30 is also cold in the morning. One year however, there was one morning of heavy rain. You need to be prepared for everything!
Are there oceans or pools there for swimming?
There are no oceans, there is a lake and there may be pools, but we will not be swimming. It is not an activity that the camp offers.
How much Spanish will we be expected to speak?
As much as you are able. The opportunity will be available almost all of the time to speak Spanish with the other students, counselors, directors, workshop leaders and people in town. Most of the counselors and workshop leaders speak very little English. You will be required to interview people while you are there, so you are guaranteed to use your Spanish.
Is there any English spoken?
The camp director and one of the head counselors speak very good English. They will tell you important information in English but will not translate everythin. The vast majority of your counselors and workshop leaders will not speak English. Sometimes, you will be in a situation where you will be trying to communicate with someone who only speaks Spanish. Remember that they are people and that with body language and working together you can understand one another.
Can we drink the water?
You cannot drink the tap water. The camp has potable (drinkable) water available to drink at all times. There are coolers in the dining area to fill your personal bottles from, and pitchers in the bathrooms to brush your teeth with.
Is there a cafeteria?
Awesome cooks prepare the meals, but it’s not really a cafeteria. There is a tried and true system for mealtimes. Food is served to you buffet style by teachers and eaten family style. You are responsible for cleaning up after yourselves.
What kind of food will we eat?
There is some Mexican food and some food that will be very familiar to you. There is a lot of fresh fruit! There is a nice variety of food at each meal. There are always options for vegetarians and for people with allergies, etc. Let me know if you have eating restrictions so we can communicate those to the camp. “I don’t like applesauce” is not an eating restriction.
Can we bring food?
You will bring food to eat in the airport and on the plane. We recommend that you bring several powerbars or something that can satisfy your hunger when you are out and about during the week. You cannot keep any food in your rooms, but there is a spot in “la sala” where personal food is kept.
Can we buy food outside of camp?
The camp has pretty clear and strict rules about what they let you buy and eat outside of camp. You can only buy things with labels, no street food, even though it looks really good. Counselors often stop on the way back from workshops to let you buy snacks.
What time do we wake up and go to sleep?
We wake up early, between 7:30 and 8:00 it’s different every day) and go to bed around 10:00pm. You should practice the question: ¿A qué hora nos despertamos mañana?
Where will we sleep?
You sleep in dorm rooms that are divided by gender. The rooms sleep between 15 – 25 people. Counselors will stay with you in the dorms. Teachers stay in separate rooms.
What are the bathrooms like?
There are bathrooms attached to each dorm room. The bathrooms and showers are fine and clean. The showers are individual.
What are the sleeping arrangements?
Some years they have kept all BMS kids together (but divided by gender) and other years they were split in two and mixed with kids from the other schools. If you have to split t is a pretty informal process that you have some control over. We want you to feel safe and comfortable.
What kind of bedding should we bring?
The camp provides a mat.. You should bring a sleeping bag and a small travel pillow. A therma-rest is optional. Air mattresses that need to be blown up with a machine are not allowed.
Can we shower?
Yes, each room figures out a daily schedule for showering. Usually showering time is mid-day. You can shower daily.
Daily Schedule/What do we do there
What will we do there?
You will attend workshops in town, go on excursions to surrounding areas (an island in Lake Patzcuaro, an ancient pyramid, a national park, a volcano, a day in Morelia for shopping and soccer, a market day in Patzcuaro are all possibilities), do physical activity, have free time (where you can also play games and sports), do night time activities (like hike, campfire, salsa, etc.) You will not spend any time at all in front of a screen (television or computer.) We usually have four workshop days where you take one workshop in the morning and one in the afternoon with free time in between and two excursion days where we usually visit two places each day.
What kind of workshops will we do?
There are lots of choices. Some examples are: weaving, hiking, traditional cooking, botany, hat making, jewelry making, cheese and candy making, and animal care. There are many workshops focused on arts and ecology and they are all taught by local people who live in or near town. The workshops offered change every year. We will learn how to say the workshops in Spanish before we go.
How are we going to divide into groups for workshops?
It is a process that is impossible to explain. It happens with everyone in the same room and involves sitting in lines and people coming around with clipboards. You sign up for the workshop you want if there is room in it. You will be mixed with students from other schools for workshops.
How much free time will we have?
I can’t say how much, but there is a nice balance of free and structured time.
What is physical activity?
Physical activity in the morning is usually a structured game or competition. Throughout the day there is lots of soccer played, volleyball, four square, rope swinging. There is a sweet basketball court in town that you can also visit. Last year we had a little round robin tournament with kids from town, BMS, and counselors.
What excursions (day trips) will we go on?
Janitzio (the island in the lake), an ancient pyramid in Tzintzuntzan, a national park near Uruapan, the Paricutín volcano, a day in Morelia for architecture, shopping and soccer, a market day in Patzcuaro are all possibilities.
What are the facilities like?
They are beautiful with lots of fields, flowering trees and plants, pathways.
How much time will we have to shop?
We will have several opportunities to shop , but the amount of time varies depending on what excursions we go on. Usually we do one shopping afternoon in Patzcuaro. There is also a nice little camp store. I recommend that if you see something you like, buy it because you might not see it again.
What “work” do we have to do there?
We will be doing some ethnographic research this year. Ethnographic research is a way of understanding a culture by experiencing it first hand and talking with people. You will learn more about the specifics of your work in class. You are required to roll up your bedding each day, keep your things organized, and clean off your table after eating.
Other schools
How many other people will be at our camp?
There will be another group of about 4o students at camp at the same time from Chihuahua, Mexico (I think.) The camp schedules the groups and aims to have groups from different places there at the same time.
How old are they?
They are sixth graders, and I believe they will be 11 and 12 years old.
How much English will they speak?
There English abilities will probably vary as much as your Spanish abilities do.
Will we interact with them?
Yes, you will do everything together: eat, sleep, play, have workshops, go on some excursions.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Diego Performance of Understanding
This project is due at the end of class on Wednesday, October 29, 2008. You do not need to do a rough draft, but your essay should be written neatly on lined paper. You will have 70 minutes of class time to work on the project. You should work for 30 minutes at home on Monday and Tuesday. Choose one of the following three options to complete.
1. Choose one of Diego Rivera’s murals using one of the two books I have or by going to Write a two-paragraph essay. In the first paragraph explain the mural and some of the history depicted in it. In the second paragraph, explain how Diego’s identity and personal history are reflected in the mural. Include a copy of the mural with your essay.
2. Imagine that Diego Rivera were alive right now and living in the United States. Make a sketch of a mural he might have painted to reflect his interpretation of the political and social climate. What you include in the painting must be historically accurate. Write a two-paragraph essay. In the first paragraph describe the mural and the history included in it. In the second paragraph, explain how Diego’s identity and personal history are reflected in the mural.
3. Imagine that Diego Rivera were alive right now. Choose a significant issue happening in the U.S. or world (eg: immigration, financial crisis, gay marriage, the war in Iraq.) Make a sketch of a mural he might have painted showing his interpretation of this issue. Write a two-paragraph essay. In the first paragraph describe the mural and the issue. In the second paragraph, describe how Diego’s identity and personal history are reflected in the mural.
1. Choose one of Diego Rivera’s murals using one of the two books I have or by going to Write a two-paragraph essay. In the first paragraph explain the mural and some of the history depicted in it. In the second paragraph, explain how Diego’s identity and personal history are reflected in the mural. Include a copy of the mural with your essay.
2. Imagine that Diego Rivera were alive right now and living in the United States. Make a sketch of a mural he might have painted to reflect his interpretation of the political and social climate. What you include in the painting must be historically accurate. Write a two-paragraph essay. In the first paragraph describe the mural and the history included in it. In the second paragraph, explain how Diego’s identity and personal history are reflected in the mural.
3. Imagine that Diego Rivera were alive right now. Choose a significant issue happening in the U.S. or world (eg: immigration, financial crisis, gay marriage, the war in Iraq.) Make a sketch of a mural he might have painted showing his interpretation of this issue. Write a two-paragraph essay. In the first paragraph describe the mural and the issue. In the second paragraph, describe how Diego’s identity and personal history are reflected in the mural.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Online e--ie verb practice - Due Tues. 10/14
Go to
This time you will be doing verb practice for Stem changing e--ie verbs.
You should take the quizzes until you have either reached 85% or done 3 of them.
Look at your mistakes and make your corrections. Use your mistakes to help you on subsequent quizzes.
Print the last quiz that you take.
This time you will be doing verb practice for Stem changing e--ie verbs.
You should take the quizzes until you have either reached 85% or done 3 of them.
Look at your mistakes and make your corrections. Use your mistakes to help you on subsequent quizzes.
Print the last quiz that you take.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Bandera Presentations - Mon 10/6
If you presented to me and received feed back than you will be presenting on Monday.
Everyone else should come with notecards completed to present to me and receive feedback. NO WORK TIME WILL BE GIVEN ON MONDAY!!!
Everyone else should come with notecards completed to present to me and receive feedback. NO WORK TIME WILL BE GIVEN ON MONDAY!!!
Online -er verb and ---ir verb practice - Due Mon 10/6
Follow the exact directions below for "just ---er verbs" and "just ---ir verbs."
If you have printer problems. Write down the items you got wrong and correct them.
If you have printer problems. Write down the items you got wrong and correct them.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Online ---ar Verb Practice - Due 10/1
Go to
Click on Just --ar verbs in the side bar.
Click on Generate a Unique Quiz.
Choose 25 questions and no vosotros.
Click Make Quiz.
Take the quiz.
Print it.
Click Grade My Quiz.
Make corrections to the printed quiz.
Click on Just --ar verbs in the side bar.
Click on Generate a Unique Quiz.
Choose 25 questions and no vosotros.
Click Make Quiz.
Take the quiz.
Print it.
Click Grade My Quiz.
Make corrections to the printed quiz.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Personal Identity Flag - Due Mon 9/29
Your personal identity flag, representing 5 aspects of your identity is due on Monday. It must have at least 3 colors and a symbol and be on approximately an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper.
5 Aspects of Personal ID - Due Wed. 9/24
Brainstorm a list of all of the aspects of your personal identity. Use the list we made in class to help you. Choose the 5 that are the most important to you. These are the 5 that you will represent in your flag. Translate them into Spanish using your dictionary or
Monday, September 22, 2008
Country Flags and Rough Draft of Paragraph Due 9/23
1. Re-create the flag of your country on an 8.5 x 11 piece of paper. Use markers, colored pencils or construction paper.
2. Look up the most important words from your research.
3. On the flag itself, label the colors and the symbol with the word they represent.
4. Write a paragraph in Spanish about your flag and its significance (at least a rough draft is due tomorrow.)
2. Look up the most important words from your research.
3. On the flag itself, label the colors and the symbol with the word they represent.
4. Write a paragraph in Spanish about your flag and its significance (at least a rough draft is due tomorrow.)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Bandera Part 1 - Due Wed. 9/10/08
1. Pick a flag of a Spanish speaking country that looks interesting to you.
2. Research the significance of the colors of the flag and the symbol or coat of arms if there is one. Take notes on this in English in the culture section of your notebook.
3. Sketch the flag in your notes.
4. Find the date of independence of the country you chose. Record this in your notes.
2. Research the significance of the colors of the flag and the symbol or coat of arms if there is one. Take notes on this in English in the culture section of your notebook.
3. Sketch the flag in your notes.
4. Find the date of independence of the country you chose. Record this in your notes.
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